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BrightonSEO started out as a few people in the upstairs room in a pub and is now the world's largest specialist search marketing conference. The podcast captures the talks from the event and other related content.

Oct 12, 2019

Profiling is one thing, it's an important thing but it's a very levelled practice. Progressive profiling is the highest tier of profiling, its the level that you want to attain. The top of the pyramid, the grasp of human behaviour every business longs to have up their sleeve. Automation Ninjas use data combined with buyer psychology to build a customer experience that changes the way businesses interact with their customers. Once you have that nailed, engagement triggers are the tiers to keep your customers interacting with you in a meaningful way. You add value, they get involved. It's an exciting and forward thinking way to get to know your customers and then keep them! Kenda will not only give you practical lessons you can implement, she'll teach you how to really prioritise customer experience.