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BrightonSEO started out as a few people in the upstairs room in a pub and is now the world's largest specialist search marketing conference. The podcast captures the talks from the event and other related content.

May 16, 2017

This talk was originally delivered Tom Capper from Distilled during April 2017’s brightonSEO Conference.


Back in Google’s early days, people navigated the web using links, and this made PageRank an excellent proxy for popularity and authority. The web is moving away from primarily link-based surfing, and Google no longer needs a proxy – so what, in 2017, is the point in links?


Tom joined Distilled in 2013, and has worked since then on analytics and SEO projects across a range of brands and sectors. When he's not wrestling with Excel or Google Analytics, Tom enjoys hearty food, real ale, gaming, non-sequiturs and political debate (in any order).