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BrightonSEO started out as a few people in the upstairs room in a pub and is now the world's largest specialist search marketing conference. The podcast captures the talks from the event and other related content.

May 21, 2018

This talk was originally delivered by Stephan Spencer during a brightonSEO Conference.


Stephan is an internationally recognized SEO expert and bestselling author. He is the co-author of The Art of SEO, author of Google Power Search and co-author of Social eCommerce, all published by O’Reilly. Stephan founded Netconcepts in 1995 and grew it into a multi-national SEO agency before selling it in 2010 to Covario. He now works as a sought-after SEO and digital strategy consultant. His past clients include Zappos, Sony Store, Quiksilver, and Chanel. Stephan is the host of two podcasts, The Optimized Geek and Marketing Speak.